A sit down with... Nick Labbate Eastwood CFC Manager

 A Sit Down with... Nick Labbate


Nick is the new manager of Eastwood CFC taking over the role after time with AFC Dunkirk. Nick will also be recognisable from his playing days where he played for sides such as Eastwood Town, Long Eaton United & Rainworth Miners Welfare among others.

Firstly Nick, thank you for taking time out of your schedule to speak with me. 

Let's start with your playing career. You've wore the badge of some of Nottingham’s finest non league sides. Where did you most enjoy your time as a player and where would you call your playing home as a player?

Yeah, I played for quite a few non league sides but if I have to be totally honest the best times I had would have to be the short spell I had at Long Eaton Utd playing under Charlie Palmer until 1 of many injuries occurred. Secondly Kimberley Miners welfare. I spent 2 or 3 seasons with them under Paul Rawden which throughout my time there was possibly my best time whilst playing


You were stop start during your playing career through injuries, did this ever become a frustration that you couldn’t get out on the pitch for a prolonged period and enjoy playing?

I had quite a few serious injuries dating back to when I was 21 years of age. I started by tearing my ankle ligaments which put me out for roughly 7 months. To come back at the back end of the season in my first game back to snap the exact same Ankle ligaments which again another 8-9 months on the sidelines very frustrating! I then came back after my rehab at Arnold Town under Gaz Haywood & Paul Rawden in a pre season friendly vs Gedling Miners, I was just sprinting for a ball and all of my sudden I felt like I had been snipered! I'd torn my hamstring. Which again another 6 months out was possibly the most frustrating time of my playing career. I then had a few little injuries here & there to then have a double knee operation back in 2018 which then basically knocked it out of me and went on to call it a day with the odd cameo appearance here and there ever since.


You called time on your playing career 3 years ago after injuries and operations. Firstly, was this a tough decision to make? And did you always have the appetite to get into management/coaching once the boots were hung up?

In all honesty it wasn't too hard of a decision, my daughter was born which made my decision quite straight forward. I had signed for Wollaton in the NSL just to keep ticking along but then my knees or my body wouldn't allow me to move as freely as I would of liked to. I always said to myself when I hung my boots up, I would definitely take the management route as I still wanted to be involved in a footballing capacity.

Nick in action for Rainworth


You started in management at the start of last season with AFC Dunkirk. What coaching education did The Notts Senior League give you in your 1st role in charge?

In all honesty there wasn't too much education from the NSL. Rob Hornby was a big help in regard to helping with transfers, on how to go about the team sheets etc. Other than that, there wasn't too much on hand.

You went on to finish mid table while lifting the league cup beating promoted Southwell City in the semi before beating Clifton at Basford in the final. Did this run and cup win give you an idea of the quality you had in the AFC Dunkirk squad?

The lads I had at AFC Dunkirk were absolutely brilliant. I genuinely wouldn't have a bad word to say about any of them. They all gave 100% in every match regardless of the results. They were a tight bunch who stuck together. As you have probably seen 4 or 5 have come across to Eastwood Community with me as my motto has always been regardless of your age if you're good enough then you will play, we had a very young side with the odd older head in the side which really helped throughout the season.


When you left AFC Dunkirk for Eastwood you were 2nd in the league, was the opportunity at Eastwood too good to turn down?

I do really feel that with AFC Dunkirk we could of challenged for the league this season but when the opportunity came along & I had been offered the Eastwood job it was just like the question states just too good of an opportunity to turn down for myself personally. I want to manage at the best level possible and the time was right to move on.


Going into Eastwood and looking from outside when Paul Rockely left the team went with him, did you know the size of the task in place and already have an idea of how you wanted to take on the task at hand?

When I first went in, I basically got told I had 6/7 lads who were potentially staying so my first task was to try and keep them which at the time they all did and currently still with us. I understand the task is massive but the first week I took over I was on my phone gone midnight just trying to assemble a squad as the game vs Quorn was going ahead. I have now managed to get around 19/20 lads in who I personally feel once gelled we can do the impossible and survive this season.


NSL Cup Winners

Your first role in the pyramid, you have your Dad & Brother with you in the dugout, how important is it for you to have your family backing you?

Yeah, my dad has lots of knowledge coaching & being a manager/assistant manager at levels 4&5, it was key he was a part of the management side, he also keeps me calm on the sides. My brother is also very good to have due to 2 back to back torn ACL injuries he still has the crack with the lads as if he's still a player. So, having both of them beside me is massive.


And how much has your Dad had an influence on you and your time in football?

To be honest growing up playing football I had always played under my dad up until around 20 years of age. So, having his knowledge guiding me through the years has been key! Taking everything on board whether I'd played well or rubbish he was just totally honest with me always marking me out of 10 on my performances. Like I said previously having him with me is huge as he's like my best friend as well as my father which is a great bond.


Eastwood locally are a big club. You've gone into the role with the club in a big transitional period. Firstly, how are you looking to steady the ship?

Eastwood in non league football are a very big club, whether it was 10-11 years ago or to this day everybody knows the stature and size of the club, they have possibly one of the best non league facilities around the Nottinghamshire area. As you say it is in transit at the moment and its my goal to get a settled squad into place that is my first and foremost thing to do, we are still in process of bringing new faces in.


And what are you short term and long term goals at Eastwood?

I think the short term goal is to remain in the UCL Premier division, regardless of what has gone on previously I am there and my management team with one goal and one goal only. No matter how we do it the short term is survival come end of this season. Long term goal for myself & the club is to get it back to where it should be! Regardless of who's behind the scenes etc I won’t lie down without giving my best shot.


Footballing Dinner party. Nick Labbate & 5 guests dead or alive. Who’s getting an invite?

Paolo Maldini,

Paolo Di Canio,

Francesco Totti,

Mario Balotelli,

Dwayne Johnson (4 out of 5 Italians!)


Your all time 5 a side team of players you have played with?

1 keeper, 1 defender, 2 midfielders, 1 striker

This is a tricky one in all honesty & probably took me longest to answer.

Keeper -Ian Deakin (Deaks)

Defender - Mitchell Robinson (Juice)

2 Midfielders - Wez Burke & Nicky Hawkins

Striker - Shaun Rickford (Bullet)


Finally, and with a thank you for your time in answering these questions. If I was to head down to The Halbrooke Stadium and watch a Nick Labbate Eastwood side, what should I except to see?

Firstly, thank you for letting me answer these questions much appreciated.


For me it's about the right balance in the way you try to get your side to play football. I like my sides that I manage to keep the ball, draw in the opposition and clip channels! It’s not about getting "big names" in, I want my lads to have fight, heart & desire. Something I can say I had at Dunkirk and which is coming together now at Eastwood.


A big thanks you to Nick for coming on this week and I look forward to seeing your Eastwood side in action again sooner rather than later.

I hope everyone reading this has also enjoyed getting to know Nick a bit more and the vision he has for his new role at Eastwood.

If you would like to feature on a future interview drop me a message on twitter and I would love to share your football story through the blog. We all have a footballing story to tell and I’m really enjoying putting these together with some more exciting future guests to come.

Until the next one


Luke @PL2NL