In Profile... Harry Honesty of Hullbridge Sports

In Profile... Harry Honesty of Hullbridge Sports

Name: Harry Honesty

Position: Forward/Winger

Current Club: Hullbridge Sports FC


Previous clubs: Hashtag United, East Thurrock FC, Haringey Borough, Redbridge FC,


Team supported growing up? Manchester United


Childhood hero? Henry just loved how he played the game always wanted to play with that kinda finesse


Biggest influence? Influence my boys from school I’ve got a solid group of friends and they have all constantly pushed each other to success.


Favourite current player? Messi he’s the greatest to ever play football… local player Marcus Rashford I love everything about him movement tenacity skill sharpness he’s a star.


Best ground you’ve played at? Old Trafford or Wembley hard to split my love for Man united makes Old Trafford prob win it


Best friend in football? I’ve got a few but a lot of the hashtag boys are my closest, Lee Hursit, George Smith, Simon Peddie, Ricky Evans got time for these wallads


Best player you’ve played against & why? Sam Deering, when we was younger before we formed a partnership the boy ran a whole game against me and he wouldn’t stop commentating during the game was a joke. He went pro for a while also.


Footballing Night out You & 4 others. Who’s getting an invite? Wayne Rooney I’m adamant he’s a clown Jack Grealish, Aguero because he gets all the ladies and probably Akinfenwa because I’ve had some nights out with him already.


Your All time 5 a side team of players you have played with? 

1 Keeper: - Brentton Muhammad - best feet for a keeper I’ve played with so far

1 Defender: - Marvin Ekpetita - he don’t get beat at 5 0 most serious man on the pitch in training

2 Midfielders: - Lee Hursit - if he can stay fit

Montel Aygemang

1 Striker – Sam Higgins - it has to be king of non league

Best moment of your career? Playing at Old Trafford and Wembley but wining Ryman premier league play off final to go to conference south was a great time also.

Go to initiation song? Burna boy - Last Last


Pre match meal? I don’t really eat before games so for me it’s just cereal but if coco pops and or toast if the games really far id have a chicken pasta


Your time at Hashtag, when you signed we’re you fully aware this wasn’t your “normal” non league club? When I signed I wasn’t aware of how big it was globally and how much it basically made you live as if you was a pro the fans are everything at that club but the stick you get on YouTube is crazy it’s all fun and games though what a club I soon settled in with all the cameras tho 🤣

And just how long did it take for you to get used to the camera’s being around on matchday? Hahaa me and the cameras from pre season I was in on it the year I joined if I wasn’t injured most of the pre season I’m pretty sure my face would’ve been all over them 🤣🤣🤣

Thank you Harry for taking time to answer the questions above and best of luck for the rest of your season 

If you’re a player reading this and would like to be profiled. Please just drop me a message as I would love to feature you. 

Until the next one
