Halesowen Town & Me with YouYeltz

Halesowen Town & Me with YouYeltz

If you have a twitter account and an interest in non league football there's a good chance you would have seen at least a few tweets from @YouYeltz. A huge Halesowen fan who describes himself as "A totally unofficial, mildly satirical, and (occasionally) funny look at what’s happening at Halesowen Town FC." Well this blog will help us learn more about the man behind the account and his love for his Yeltz.

Who/what got you into Halesowen Town? And what was your earliest memory of Halesowen Town?

I first watched Halesowen in 1992. My Dad used to lift me over the turnstiles (disclaimer: I was a child at the time) and we always stood right behind the goal. It was great – you soon got familiar with the players, the fans were (and still are) a lively and amusing bunch, and there was also the bonus entertainment of one particular gentleman who chain-smoked roll-ups and shouted “Bloody Hell, Ref!” every ten seconds or so. (I’m pleased to confirm that the roll-up man is still a regular.)

Best Halesowen Town game you’ve been to?

It has to be our victory in the FA Trophy Quarter Final vs Barnet in 2020. It was the most astounding cup run – we played 14 games and overcame 9 different opponents, including 3 Conference sides away from home. The Barnet game was the icing on the cake – we fought back from 1-0 down and won it in extra time. Like most Halesowen fans, we felt we were destined for a trip to Wembley but (spoiler alert!) the country was in lockdown just a few weeks later.

Best moment you’ve had following Halesowen Town?

The trophy run was by some distance the most enjoyable, but I will mention an exceptionally good ending to a game earlier this season vs Corby at home. We trailed 2-1 but managed to pull two goals out of nowhere with just seconds to spare – Jamie Insall stepping up with a penalty to win it at the death. The scenes were quite something that day.

Any stand out or funny stories following Halesowen Town?

I put the feelers out on this one with a few friends – quite a few people mentioned the time our defender’s dog got loose and spent about half an hour running round the pitch in some sort of Benny Hill tribute. But I’m going to have to go with an shocking incident now known as “Crutchgate”. We were playing Carlton at home last season and, as one of their players was waiting to take a throw-in, he was whacked around the head by an elderly couple who both were armed with crutches. The club had to employ their best poker face about the incident, but it was about the funniest and most bizarre things I’ve ever witnessed. Needless to say my twitter account continues to get good mileage out of it.

What’s been the worst moment following Halesowen Town & why?

It had to be the pandemic. We’ve had a fair share of humiliating defeats and behind-the-scenes traumas to give me plenty of options, but I think having an extended period of time without any football at all was particularly grim. Without wanting to get too soppy, it was as much about the people at the club as much as it was the football. The fans at Halesowen have pulled together in recent years and we do all look after one another. During this time, you recognise that the football club is about more than football – it is indeed a community in itself and offers a focal point for the whole town.

If you could go back & be in attendance for 1 game in Halesowen Town history. What would it be?

Halesowen reached Wembley on three occasions in the 1980s and won the FA Vase two years in a row. This period of time really did propel the club, and gave us the foundations of where we are today (quite literally). It would have been quite special to see us lift a trophy at the old Wembley – so I’ll say Halesowen vs Fleetwood in 1985.

All time favourite player & cult hero?

Growing up, I idolised a striker we had at the time called Steve Piearce. He was lightning quick, deadly in front of goal, and sported some excellent bleach blonde hair. I emulated him in just one of these three characteristics, I’ll let you guess which one

A loss in the playoffs to Chasetown last season to Chasetown is what is a really competitive league, as i type this Halesowen are top of the league. Should promotion be expected this season and would you be confident in stepping up to step 3?

I can’t put it any other way – promotion is indeed the expectation. That said, it’s no easy task – this league is incredibly tough and there are many teams looking to escape through the top. Halesowen’s home game attendances are now averaging over 1000, and we have such a great set-up at the club, we really should be confident of holding our own at a higher level. I personally think we are a Step 2 club in all but name. This is an insanely bold call, and will no doubt come back to haunt me, but I think we should be targeting back-to-back promotions.

Dinner party. You and 4 guests dead or alive connected to Halesowen Town, who would you invite?

This is a tricky one! On one hand, I could invite four club stalwarts and thank them for all they did for the club. Or alternatively, invite four complete nutters and let carnage ensue. I’ll go for the latter – Evran Wright, Jamie Insall, Nick Bussey, and Danny Bragoli. And if I can get the number of a dry cleaner too, that’d be great.

All time Halesowen Town 11 that youve seen play in a 442?

Danny McDonnell; Kristian Green, Rob Evans, Curtis Tilt, Les Hines; John Snape, Paul Birch, Mark Taylor, Robbie Bunn; Steve Piearce, Ben Haseley.

What makes Halesowen Town so special to you?

For me, Halesowen Town is the perfect non-league club – there’s a wonderful spirit amongst the supporters, the whole set-up of the club is spot on, and there are brilliant, dedicated people in every role at the club. For so many of us the highlight of the week is going through the turnstiles at The Grove, and that’s all down to the people who are there, as much as it is the football. You simply just can’t beat it. Up The Yeltz!

Thank you to YouYeltz


If you’re reading this and would like to feature to speak about the club you support. Just drop me a message on Twitter @PL2NL and I would love to have you on and hear about your club


Until the next one.




Luke @PL2NL